Friday, April 29, 2016

I haven't been able to get on for a little bit as I've been busy with an herbalife 30 day Challenge group, we have been preparing to leave for California next week, and my husband and son are both sick (but getting better!) On top of that asher is teething again! (Yay....not ;) ) his two top teeth you can see right under the gums so we will see how long until they come through.
Asher and I have been pretty bummed the past week with all the rain just because it's hard for us to get out and go for walks and that's part of a daily schedule for us.
Andrew and I were talking the other day about how our life used to be right after we got married, it definitely was a completely different lifestyle for us. We ate out almost every single night. We both worked and got home and didn't want to cook so we had fast food or went to a restaurant. It was not healthy at all and we didn't feel good at all. I mean dishes aren't fun now but we definitely feel better after making our own (heathier) foods and our wallets feel better too ha ha.
I want to take a min. To let all the mom's know how much you are appreciated, I know mothers day isn't for another week but I don't know if I will be able to get on then. Know that you are amazing and it's definitely not an easy job being a mom. I remember growing up having my mom there for me for everything, to help with homework, to cook dinner, to take me places, to take me to the doctor or orthodontist. Mom's do so much work that we don't think about often. So I'm hoping that all of you mom's have an amazing mothers day and know that you are appreciated even though it isn't shown all the time.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

I am

Last week in my Herbalife group we had a challenge to do a video and we had to say 5 "I am" an example: I am strong, I am worth it, I am happy, I am confident, and I am determined. I didn't think it would change much for me, but do you know how great I felt after saying things I thought I was? Mind set was what that challenge was, if you believe you are something you will become it. Love who you are and what you do. I have worked hard on changing my life the past couple months, eating healthier, working out, taking walks, and I believe that it has had a great impact on me. I now believe that I am healthy and I am on the way to being the best me I could be, because I am worth it. Remember what you are worth, remember all the good things about yourself that you tend to not think about. Everyone always picks the things they don't like about themselves (I do too!) but, try thinking about everything good about yourself. Write it down, doesn't matter where, say it out loud, but think of 5 I am a day.

Monday, April 4, 2016

We are loving that the weather is getting so nice! We have gone for a couple walks, Asher and I have played on the swing set at our house, and we love just going outside and looking around. Asher is still getting use to how bright it gets outside since we keep the blinds closed inside (if we don't the neighbor kids come and look in the windows).
Asher thinks that it is pretty funny to pull himself up and stand and look at you to see what you say. He is now 7 months old and we keep thinking, wait, didn't he just turn 6 months old?! He loves the puppies a ton and loves when Mellie comes over and kisses his hand. Hopefully they will be best friends growing up. I know I loved having dogs growing up, Sadie was my best friend, I think dogs are some pretty special friends to have. We see our dogs as family and love them so much. I couldn't imagine ever giving them up.
Andrew and I are now on our 3rd week of doing T25 workouts and we can definitely tell there is a difference, they are still hard workouts but they are slowly getting easier. I'm trying really hard to prepare healthier snacks and dinners. One of the recipes we tried this past week I will put below. I can definitely feel a difference now that I'm back on Herbalife and having a healthier lifestyle. I have so much more energy now, which is saying a lot with how little sleep I've gotten since Asher started getting his two teeth in.

pan seared chicken breasts

4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves about 5 ounces each
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 cup orange juice
1 tsp. dried tarragon

Season chicken breast halves with salt and pepper. Heat a frying pan (or an other shallow pan with a lid) over medium-high heat until hot, then drizzle in olive oil. Place chicken breast halves in the hot pan and cook for 5 min. or until nicely browned on one side. turn the chicken breasts over. turn the heat down to medium-low, and add tarragon and orange juice. cover the pan and let the chicken cook just until cooked through-- about 10-15 min. depending on size of chicken pieces.

When the chicken is done, remove from pan, and turn the heat back up to high. cook and stir the pan juices for 1-2 min. to reduce the liquid down to a really small amount-- there should be just about enough to cover the bottom of the pan and it should look more like a glaze

turn the heat off and add the chicken in with the glaze, coat the chicken and then serve

Monday, March 28, 2016

Asher has been going through a lot of changes the past two weeks. He has gotten two teeth, sat up by himself, learned to crawl, and he is already starting to pull himself up on things. All these changes means no sleep! So getting up 5 or so times a night gets very tiring! He had his very first Easter and he was the cutest! He also loves to suck on bananas and strawberries, I think he is going to be a fruit boy.
Andrew and I made some changes to our diets and have been eating pretty healthy and exercising everyday. We have been doing T25 and it has been kicking our butts! Well the other night Andrew brought home pizza and breadsticks and it just made us both sick. So I think sticking to the healthy foods is whats best for us!
The snow that we woke up to this morning makes us even more excited to go to California in a month. Looking forward to warm weather and sandy beaches and of course DISNEYLAND! If anyone has any tips and tricks to make things go smoothly with a 8 month old on vacation let us know! ;)

Monday, March 21, 2016

So this little stinker now has not one but two teeth!! He hasn't got crawling down quite yet but he does figure out how to get somewhere if he want to. He is sitting up pretty well and is just having a blast. Just don't ask about how he has been sleeping while those teeth have been coming in...
What a cutie!
Now a little bit about what's been going on with Andrew and myself. Andrew has a new schedule at work so he doesn't have the same days off and is working longer hours. It's been a little hard and will be getting harder when he starts working 7 am to 7 pm next month. This will mean that he won't see Asher at all except for on his days off and on Sundays, so that will be really hard on all of us. Asher loves his dad so much and I'm worried about how he will handle it. 
Also I'm doing herbalife and making our eating a little healthier, which has been so nice! We both started t25 and it's been hard but also fun. I love the sore feeling you get just because you know your working hard. We have loved the healthy changes we are making. 
If anyone doesn't know about what's been going on with our husky here is a little background. We got him from some people that live around an hour away from us, we picked him up when he was 6 weeks old. They went out to get him from the barn when we showed up. We found out shortly after that he had worms, so we had him treated for that. Shortly after that he started having urine problems so we have taken him to the vet several several times because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. Well this past week we took him to a specialist in salt lake (yes, it was expensive...) they found out his prostate gland is really big, they also want us to do some biopsies to see if there could be other problems. We unfortunately don't have 3200 to spend right now. So within the next few months we will be getting him fixed, that won't be that big of a blow to our wallet. If he is still having problems after that then we will have to take him in for the other surgery to get the biopsies done. Poor little guy has gone through a lot, so hopefully he will be feeling better soon.  

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Our family has been just a little busy lately, last week we ended up taking Asher to urgent care, he had been running a really high fever, wouldn't eat, coughed a ton, and over all was just a miserable sad boy. It ended up that he had the flu. We are happy to say that he is better and back to his happy self! He had his doctors appointment two days ago and got 5 shots and one oral vaccine, he was such a good boy. He didn't cry until the fourth shot and as soon as Andrew picked him up he stopped crying. He is still measuring as a little guy. Staying under 10% in everything, he currently weighs 14 pounds and 4 ounces. He is still stealing everyones heart that comes around him. He loves to smile at everyone and has the perfect long eyelashes!
This week we celebrate both Andrews and my birthday! Hooray! Mine is tomorrow (21) and Andrews is Sunday (25). So this weekend we will be going out to the cheesecake factory for dinner, its also Andrews weekend off so Asher and I are so glad to be able to spend it with him.
Andrew and I have been making some changes lately (cheating every once in a while) but we are trying to be more healthy, so eating right and exercising. Every once and a while I will post some of the meals we have that we really like. Tonight we are having something we have had in the past but it is really good, and I like to think that it is kinda healthy haha. You put some chicken in the crock pot and pour salsa on top of it and cook it on low for around 5 to 6 hours. We put it on rice and do a side salad or some veggies to go along with it. If you haven't tried it I would recommend it! Asher and I also go for a walk at least once a day, its almost 2 miles that we walk and its been so nice to go out in the nice weather and get Asher out of the house. If anyone has any recipes or good workouts let us know! Or if you know where we live and know any good walking paths I would love to know!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Look at this little cutie! He is now 6 months old! He is doing so much better after last week, we took him into urgent care last week and he tested positive for the flu, it was a rough couple days and I felt terrible there was nothing I could do to help him. On top of that we are pretty sure his bottom two teeth are right under the gums. He is still super close to crawling and we are super excited but also nervous about keeping him out of everything.
Andrew starts the busy season at work now and it will definitely be hard, right now he is starting to work 8-6 and they might switch next month and do 7-7. It will definitely be hard on both of us, me because I won't have help with asher at all. And him because he won't get to see asher. Asher goes to bed between 7 and 8 so he will probably be going to bed when Andrew gets home.
I'm definitely so excited for summer! Asher and i have been going for walks every day since the warm weather started. Our walk is almost 2 miles long and it's just so nice to get him out of the house and enjoy the peace and warmth. Goodbye winter!!